About Us

Guiding Principles

The Coalition was established to ensure Ohio’s presence both regionally and nationally in current fuel cell and hydrogen discussions and will work to:

  • Build upon existing industry and academic strengths of research and development, advanced manufacturing, advanced materials technologies, components, and services to advance the integration of a coordinated, robust fuel cell infrastructure and supply chain.

  • Promote public awareness about the positive role fuel cell and hydrogen technology can play as an efficient, reliable and environmentally responsible source of energy in a wide variety of applications

  • Expand networking and information sharing opportunities that lead to greater alliances and understanding of the economic opportunities available to Ohio organizations.

  • Support networking between the fuel cell and hydrogen industry supply chain, technology developers, hydrogen producers, and hydrogen users to increase economic opportunities for Ohio organizations.

  • Encourage federal funding that will leverage state resources in the development of fuel cell technology and the locating of commercial development, manufacturing assets, and job creation in Ohio.

The Team

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Bill Whittenberger

Executive Director

William A. (Bill) Whittenberger, BSME, MBA, PE

In 2018 Bill retired as Site and Technology Director of Johnson Matthey PTI in Ravenna, OH.  In the years since, he has done a variety of consulting through Brite Energy Innovators and others, mostly advising entrepreneurs and technology startups.

Johnson Matthey acquired the assets of Catacel Corp. in September 2014.  Bill founded Catacel in 2001 with two partners, intending to develop and commercialize catalyst materials and systems using metal foil substrates.  The Catacel business achieved success by providing heat exchange and catalyst solutions to numerous fuel cell system integrators and several Fortune-100 specialty customers.  During those years, Bill had a significant involvement with the Ohio Fuel Cell Coalition, including a two year term as Chairman.

For 15 years before Catacel, Bill developed foil based catalyst technology for numerous emission control applications at Camet Co. and Engelhard Corp.  He holds 64 US Patents in the field of foil supported catalysts.

Bill earned his Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from The Ohio State University, and his Master’s degree in Business Administration from Pepperdine University.  He is a registered Professional Engineer in the state of Ohio.

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Linda Buckosh

Assistant Executive Director

Linda is passionate about her role in assisting the Coalition in promoting the valuable resources that Ohio has to offer in becoming a global leader in fuel cell and hydrogen technology and manufacturing.

Possessing a lengthy background in engineering for the electrical utility industry and office management, skills in business, project development, and corporate & community relations enable her to serve the Coalition well and promote its mission. She is a graduate of Ohio University, summa cum laude, in Technical and Applied Studies and active in promoting education, regional opportunities, and community organizations.

Board of Directors

OFCHC is a 501(c)(6) organization incorporated in Elyria, Ohio. 

We are co-located in Elyria with Lorain County Community College and we are governed by our Board of Directors.


Scott Swartz, Ph.D.

CTO & Co-Founder


Paul Matter, Vice Chairman

President & Founder
pH Matter, LLC

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Eric Walli, 2nd Vice Chairman

Assistant Vice President & Division Manager of Regional Planning, Leading Strategy & Sustainability
Honda of North America

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Rodger McKain, Ph.D. Treasurer

CEO, Alchemity
Former Interim CEO, LG Fuel Cell Systems, Inc.

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Alex Chapman

Ridge Creek Global

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Andrew Thomas, J.D.

Executive In Residence
Levin Energy Policy Center
Cleveland State University

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Bill Whittenberger

Executive Director
Ohio Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Coalition

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Ian Jakupca

Fuel Cell Technology Lead
NASA Glenn Research Center  

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Jay Sayre, Ph.D.

Assistant Vice President in the Office of Research and the Director of Innovation for the Institute for Materials Research at The Ohio State University.

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Jerrold Hutton, Ph.D.

Managing Member
Evergreen Transportation Fuels

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Mike McKay

Executive Director
Ohio Third Frontier, Office of Technology Investments

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Moataz Eldib

Senior Technical Sales Engineer Hydrogen

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Tim Terrill

Vice President of Sales
Plug Power


Yanhai Du, Ph.D.

Professor, Director of Sustainability/Fuel Cell Laboratory
College of Aeronautics & Engineering
Kent State University


The OFCHC carries much of its work through volunteer Committees.  This allows us to: 

  1. Leverage the expertise and interests of our Members.

  2. Get the best ideas and create plans for implementation.

  3. Engage our Members in their particular areas of interest.

  4. Achieve our common objectives together.


Provide education opportunities to the public, other stakeholders, and education systems for fuel cells, hydrogen, safety, production, and end-use.



Act on the Board's behalf and report all such actions to the Board; provide direction to the Executive Director and to all Committees on behalf of, and in accordance with any special instructions of the Board, and reviewing and overseeing the overall activities of the Corporation.



Educate legislators and advocate for support of fuel cell industry



Increase public, state, national, and international awareness of Ohio fuel cell activities.