Welcome to the Ohio Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Coalition
While we have always focused on hydrogen with respect to fuel cells, we recognize the importance of hydrogen, from development and production, to storage, distribution, and utilization. Our name change and new logo serve as a realignment and recommitment. We continue our focus with the same professionalism, credibility, and collaboration efforts to promote, educate, and serve the hydrogen and fuel cell industry.

Topics and speakers to be announced soon.
Join the Coalition now for all the up-to-date information!
Member News!

Congratulations to OFCHC Member, Special Power Sources on their recent announcement of two new awards!
AFRL Regional Network – Midwest 2024 CALL #2 WINNERS
SPS was selected as one of the 18 teams who are recipients of our 2024 Call #2 awards! The selected topic includes research involving Hypersonic Onboard Power and Thermal Management System with partners including Tennessee Tech and AFRL. Objective of the research is to continue the development of a fuel cell power system capable of producing power for 30-60 minutes at Mach flight speeds at high altitudes. https://midwesthub.afresearchlab.com/congratulations-to-the-2024-call-2-winners/
U.S. Department of Energy Announces $52 Million for Small Business Research and Development Grants—Including $3.4 Million for Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Projects
Special Power Sources (SPS) was selected by DOE’s Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Office (HFTO) as one of 17 projects for R&D of clean hydrogen and fuel cell applications. Their research project is titled Hydrogen Refueling Station Boil-Off Venting Utilization Demonstration. Partners for this project in Stark Area Regional Transit Authority (SARTA) with the objective to mitigate hydrogen boil off gases at their refueling station with the intent to have SPS power auxiliary equipment as back up or primary power. The Environment Defense Fund (EDF) will participate in a monitoring role to ensure no release of hydrogen gases back into the atmosphere. https://www.energy.gov/eere/fuelcells/articles/us-department-energy-announces-52-million-small-business-research-and

Check out the recent article by Kathiann Kowalski of Energy News Network, "Why Ohio companies are investing in hydrogen cars despite infrastructure issues". We appreciate the shout-out of the OFCHC and our Ohio Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Symposium and several of our member companies and organizations. See article here
Promoting Ohio, Our Region, & the Fuel Cell & Hydrogen Industry
A United Group with One Mission
The Ohio Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Coalition is a trade organization established over 20 years ago as a leading fuel cell and hydrogen industry advocate and comprised of a united group of industry, academic, and government leaders working collectively to ensure Ohio’s and the region’s presence both regionally and nationally in fuel cell and hydrogen discussions.